Summer Project Letter download Guide – A project letter is a written document for the students who have completed their project based on the enrolled training program.
It includes the following fields:
- Name of Student
- College Name
- Course Name
- Training Partner
- Start & End Date
- Name of Project

How does a project letter look like?
Here is the sample project letter attached below.
(Image of the sample project letter)
Kindly note this will be the final format of the project letter. No changes will be entertained.

Who should submit the project letter? | Summer Project Letter download Guide
All the students don’t need to apply for the project letter.
Only those students who want to show it to the college or those who are willing to complete the project should apply for it.
Kindly note | Summer Project Letter download Guide
All the students who have enrolled with us after completing their course will receive the course completion certificate.

How to apply for the project letter? | Summer Project Letter download Guide
Following are the requisites to apply for the project letter:
Step 1: Project Development
Following are the requisites to apply for the project letter:
Step 1: Project Development
- Students need to create a mini-project of their choice based on their enrolled course with us. Students can also submit a case study of the Project.
- Students need to develop the Project Report, having the complete report about your project. It can be in any general report format. Please make sure the report should be self-explanatory.
- Students need to record a small presentation video (maximum 2 minutes), where they need to highlight the project outcomes in brief.
Step 2: Submission
- Upload your Project Report and recorded Presentation in the provided google form.
- Kindly mention the required Start and End date (Maximum 45 days) you need in the project letter. For Example- Start date: 01/05/2021 to End Date: 15/06/2021 (45 days)
- It is mandatory to fill the complete google form to get the Project Letter.
- The last date to submit the Project Report and Video Presentation is 10th July 2021 (No extension)
Step 3: Evaluation
- Our subject matter experts will evaluate it and then We will generate your project letter.
- If the submitted format is Correct – You will get the certificate at the following downloaded link.
- If the submitted format is not Correct – You need to make some changes and resubmit.
Step 5: Project Certification
- The mail will reach you after 15 days of enrolment. Kindly fill and submit the form before the mentioned deadline.
- We will release the Project Letter on the following dates- 3rd June 2021, 25th June 2021, and 25th July 2021.

In case of any query/doubt | Summer Project Letter download Guide
You can reach us over email
Your query/doubt will be solved within 24 hours.
For support-related queries, please send an email at No WhatsApp & call will be entertained.